【中国日报】Chinese democracy makes people masters of country

  • 2021年12月14日
  • 中国日报

China's whole-process people's democracy is a kind of high-quality democracy in which the people are masters of the country, Chinese experts said at a webinar on the quality of democracy on Friday.

The event was led by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and hosted by Northwest University of Political Science and Law's Research Center for Human Rights in Xi'an, Shaanxi province.

Yang Zongke, president of NWUPL, said the political development path and democratic model a country chooses depend on its historical and cultural traditions as well as its level of economic and social development.

To judge whether a country is democratic or not, the key lies in "whether the people are truly masters of the country", he added.

Ou Shujun, an associate professor at the School of International Studies of Renmin University of China in Beijing, said the key for a political community to avoid political decline and obtain political order is not the form of democracy, but the quality of democracy.

Qian Jinyu, executive deputy director of the Research Center for Human Rights of the NWUPL, said based on its own democratic practice, China creatively put forward the concept of whole-process people's democracy, which recognizes the diversity of human democracy.

Zhang Shiwei, a professor at the School of Political Science and Public Administration, NWUPL, said people's democracy led by the proletariat has made fundamental innovations in concept, system and practice.

"It has realized the essence of the people as masters of their own country and is a kind of high-quality democracy," he said.

Wei Nanzhi, a researcher from the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that in recent years, economic, social and political inequality in the United States has worsened, and the US democracy has increasingly debased into an oligarchy of the minority.

Jiang Yan, a doctor in law from Shanghai Normal University, said the social problems caused by guns have been on the rise in the US, but the government is controlled by the arms dealers and political groups.

Its inaction on gun control has led the US into a vicious cycle of institutional problems with guns, he said, adding that it "has democracy in name but not in reality" in this regard.


  • 【人民日报客户端、中国网、中国日报】西北政法大学刑事法学院社会实践队走进安康市汉滨区——探索科技助农,小我融入大我

    西北政法大学刑事法学院社会实践队走进安康市汉滨区 ——探索科技助农,小我融入大我 为深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神,贯彻关于青年工作的重要思想,引导和帮助广大青年学生在与现实结合的“大思政课”中“受教育、长才干、做贡献”,以真才实学服务社会,以青年之智赋能乡村振兴。7月12日至7月27日,西北政法大学刑事法学院赴安康市社会实践队开展为期15天的“探索科技助农,小我融入大我”暑期“三下乡”实践活动。 踏上出征之途探寻科技助农 7月12日,暑期社会实践团队出征仪式在西北政法大学格物楼刑事法学院举行,刑事法学院党委书记孙学龙、刑事法学院党委副书记、副院长王聪、全体辅导员出席仪式。 孙学龙希望同学们精心组织,确保安全,在活动中听从指挥,遵守纪律,注意自我形象,以饱满的精神和昂扬的斗志安全、圆满完成此次“三下乡”活动。同时希望同学们脚踏实地,勤思多问,把“三下乡”当作向各行各业虚心学习的社会大课堂,发挥自己的专业优势,学会发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,做到更好地服务地方、服务社会。 挖掘特色产业思考振兴之路 实践队抵达陕西省安康市汉滨区后,积极开展调研活动,前往汉滨区忠诚村“科技农业”产业项目示范基地、蒋家坪茶园示范基地等展开调研学习,深入了解当地特色农产品产业发展的具体情况。 忠诚村天瑞塬农业企业负责人吴斌与实践队员进行深入交流。队员们了解到近年来该园区一直坚持走规模发展与创新模式发展道路,加大科技投入,重视新品种引进与新技术试验,推进园区朝着安全发展、全方位帮扶、农民融入产业链方向发展。 天瑞塬农业基地园区作为先进科技农业基地对于“科技助农”的引领、宣传和推广起到的重大作用,不仅促进了汉滨区科技农业、品牌销售打响名声、走向全省、全国,而且对于促进乡村振兴也发挥着重要的作用。希望在园区的大力推动下,科技助农产业的发展可以为当地带来更多的乡村振兴契机。 实践团队还来到平利县蒋家坪村进行实地调研,在讲解员的细致介绍下,进一步探索安康市汉滨区农业发展现状,推动科技助农深入发展。 据介绍,地处秦巴山区腹地的蒋家坪村,曾经是“地无三尺平,山无三寸泥”,2016年以前,村里只有不到两公里的通村水泥路,自然条件差、交通不便,群众出行难、物资运输难、产品销售难,年轻人都不愿待在家里,全村贫困发生率曾高达47%,是远近闻名的深度贫困村。近几年,在交通运输部门的大力支持下,蒋家坪村用活用足交通扶贫政策,修建公路26公里,形成了以村委会为中心向镇、组、园区辐射的公路网。公路助推产业,产业因路而兴。从2020年至今,蒋家坪连续三年成为国际茶日国家分会场,各地的游客也纷纷来蒋家坪游茶山、赏美景、尝美食。 擘画时代乡村新画卷谱写乡村振兴新篇章 为深入了解安康市汉滨区重点社区治理创新做法,总结社区治理优秀经验,实践团来到了汉滨区新城街道双堤社区展开实地调研。 社区党委书记,居委会主任王龙刚,对团队的到来表示热烈欢迎,并指出双堤社区的治理模式以“党建引领,双网三化”为特色,希望队员们可以在参观学习的过程中积累先进经验,总结优秀做法。双方在社区社会治安综合管理中心展开会谈,副主任杨娜娜详细阐述了双堤社区治理模式。 青年作为中国发展的新时代力量,要主动投入到乡村振兴事业中,始终与人民群众同甘共苦,始终关注群众生产生活情况。实践队员行走在田间地头,观察基层、服务基层,在接下来的时间中,团队还将继续深入基层、深挖“科技助农”产业活力,充分释放绿水青山的价值,促进汉滨区科技农业、品牌销售打响名声、走向全省、全国。

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